Tuesday (Bioinformatics Lectures) Thursday (Computational Lectures)
8/23 & 8/25 Outline of the course Getting started; First steps with Unix
8/30 & 9/1 Introduction to environmental ‘omics First steps with Unix part 2
9/6 & 9/8 Introduction to next-generation sequencing Introduction to Github; Bash scripting
9/13 & 9/15 Reference sequence databases; sratools hands-on Makefiles
9/20 & 9/22 Quality control; Fastqc and Fastx hands-on Programming with Perl: Hello, World; Data Shapes; Greeting
9/27 & 9/29 Metagenomic assembly; MegaHIT hands-on Introduction to HPC: high performance computing
10/4 & 10/6 Read recruitment and quantification; Bowtie hands-on File handling
10/11 & 10/13 Gene finding; Prodigal hands-on Palindromes (C_HW5, wc)
10/18 & 10/20
  • Dr. Hurwitz out this week
  * Computational Lecture today DNA Profiling Sequence Similarity with Kmers
10/25 & 10/27 Traditional Sequence alignment and BLAST; Centrifuge hands-on   Intro to vim text editor, TypesCounting things  
11/1 & 11/3 Optimizing assembly, read recruitment, and gene calling; the “Uber” protocol hands-on * Metagenomics Lecture today Functional Annotation; Uproc hands-on
11/8 & 11/10 Hidden Markov Models (HMM profiles) and searching for patterns; hmmrsearch hands-on Parsing delimited text/Feature annotation (uproc) Assignment: C_HW8 common words
11/15 & 11/17 Profiling contigs; Calculating coverage and detecting single nucleotide variations (SNVs) Modules and OOP; C_HW8 due; Assignment C_HW9 (objects)
11/22 & 11/24 Genomic binning; hierarchical clustering; CONCOCT hands-on and Interactive visualization in Anvi’o – Holiday –
11/29 & 12/1 Phage therapy and overview of last items for the course Journal-club presentations
12/6 Course wrap-up;  Journal-club presentations -Dead Day-