iMicrobe Data Commons is up!
The iMicrobe Data Commons (funded by the Gordon Betty Moore Foundation) is now available as an interactive website (see imicrobe.us and data.imicrobe.us). The project was initially funded to make CAMERA microbial dataset available through an interactive data commons (data.imicrobe.us) and in the iPlant Data Store for use in the iPlant cyberinfrastructure (iplantcollaborative.org). Two months in and we are finished with those goals! We are now working hard on developing a query-able ontology for the data sets and making these data easily discoverable within the iPlant cyberinfrastructure. HOWTO docs are under development at wiki.imicrobe.us, and our first workshop is coming up at the American Society for Oceanography and Limnology (ASLO) in Granada, Spain. We hope to see you there (http://imicrobe.us/education).