Journal Club (10%)
100 points total: in-class presentation (50 pts); write-up (50 pts)
Journal club presentations: Undergraduates will be required to give a 5-minute talk on a metagenomics paper of their choice (oral presentation only, no slides required). The metagenomics paper must include an analysis that results from samples that were sequenced using whole genome shotgun next-generation sequencing. Graduate students will be required to give a 15-minute talk (10 minute powerpoint presentation, 5 min questions) on a focused area of research in metagenomics. The talk should summarize recent metagenomics literature in this area (e.g. “nutrition and the gut microbiome” or the “oral microbiome and periodontal disease”). See links below to rubrics for grading undergraduate and graduate students’ assignments.
Journal club write-up: Undergraduates will be required to turn in a 1-page summary of the paper they presented in-class. Graduate students will be required to turn in a 5-page paper summarizing the literature in their metagenomics focus area. See links below to rubrics for grading undergraduate and graduate students’ assignments.